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Ota Photo Sketch vol.6

November 24 (Sun), 2024 – January 26 (Sun), 2025 (TBC)


Your life story in Ota made into an exhibition
Workshop “Come tell us your story.”

Now accepting applications


Ota Photo Sketch vol.6
November 24 (Sun), 2024 – January 26 (Sun), 2025 (TBC)


Based on the idea of “exploring the city of Ota from new angles through the photo camera,” variously-themed “Ota Photo Sketch” exhibitions have previous showcased photographs taken in Ota by selected members of the general public and invited guest photographers. Each of these exhibitions was an occasion for rediscovering the appeal of Ota from multiple new perspectives.
As a new approach for this 6th installment, not a photographer but a contemporary artist was invited. Takayoshi Tsuchiya conducts a two-day workshop with citizens, and subsequently puts together an exhibition of the photographs and comments that emerge as results of the workshop.
Tsuchiya proposed as a general topic “things that might be meaningless for others yet have a very special meaning for yourself.” Attending the workshop and creating works on this theme, may be an opportunity for participants to rediscover such “things” and what they mean to them personally, including also their memories of living in Ota. Also involved in the workshop is the psychologist Masataka Murakubo, who will assist participants in their deeper reflections and discussions on the topic.
The assorted “things” that the participants will bring to the table, will come together as an exhibition that portrays the life activities of the people of Ota, and that may inspire each viewer to find in them new meanings for themselves.

Workshop information

Ota Photo Sketch vol. 6
Workshop “Come tell us your story.”
June 22 (Sat) & 29 (Sat), 2024

Ota Photo Sketch vol. 6 Workshop “Come tell us your story.” 


Takayoshi TSUCHIYA
Born 1974 in Tokyo. Professor at Saga University, Faculty of Art and Regional Design. Has been creating artworks that stir people’s perception by intervening in basic everyday life systems and things by simple methods since the 1990s, employing a wide range of media such as video, photography, two- and three-dimensional objects, language, installation, programming, etc. Collaborated with Masataka Murakubo at “Art of Resonance – Decade Session for Our Future” (Saga University Art Museum, 2023). Recent exhibitions include “KAAT Atrium Video Project vol. 24, 25” (Kanagawa Arts Theatre, 2023), “Chikugo Art Farm Project 2020 Love & Journey” (Kyushu Geibun-kan, 2020), “BORN IN 1974” (Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, 2014), ”Electronic Language International Festival (FILE SP) (Centro Cultural FIESP, Sao Paulo, 2014)。

Born 1959 in Kumamoto, grew up in Fukuoka. Associate professor at Saga University, Faculty of Medicine. Specializes in clinical psychology. Clinical psychologist and Certified Public Psychologist. Bases his practical work and research on the respective person’s own point of view and experience. Focusing on the subjective world and individual stories, he has been interested in the “how” rather than asking about the “why.” Met Takayoshi Tsuchiya at “Art of Resonance – Decade Session for Our Future.” Edited “The Challenge of Person-Centered Therapy – Actual encounters in present-day life” (Sogensha, 2011), and co-authored numerous publications including “Person-Centered Therapy and Open Dialogue – Conversation, connection, coexistence” (Tomi Shobo, 2023), and “New Developments in Encounter Groups” (Kodachinobunko, 2020).
